Latest News
29th December 2022
The below statement was issued by UNFPA on December 28, 2022. We are monitoring the situation closely and will share more information when we are able when we are able to do so without jeopardizing the safety of our staff…
Stories From the Field
14th December 2022
BALAKLIYA, Ukraine – “When the war arrived in this area, the women and children tried to escape – from danger, hunger and the lack of medical services,” said Dr. Olga Filipova, an obstetrician and gynaecologist in a mobile maternity clinic in…
11th December 2022
As the United Nations sexual and reproductive health and rights agency, UNFPA works to empower every woman and girl to reach her fullest potential. Alongside becoming allies in women’s empowerment efforts, men and boys also benefit greatly from standing up…
16th November 2022
You are now one of 8 billion people on the planet. It’s been a long road with historic highs and lows for all of our sexual and reproductive health and rights. But for every billion we have grown, visionary…
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