Resolve to Make a Difference for Women and Girls
3 actions you can take to support sexual and reproductive health this year

Here at UNFPA, we’re resolved to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every woman and girl can reach her fullest potential. It’s your support that makes this dream possible. Your gift has the power to reach women and girls in more than 150 countries with the comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care they need, no matter what.
This New Year, we wanted to highlight a few ways to support women and girls you may not have considered before:
Define your Legacy

There are several reasons to consider the legacy that you’ll leave behind. You can support your loved ones. You can protect the assets you’ve built from years of hard work. And, you can make a meaningful commitment to the causes you care about. Through our partner, FreeWill, you can create your legal will online in as little as 20 minutes and start this new year off with peace of mind for you, your loved ones, and the causes you care about. There is no financial commitment today, but a bequest to USA for UNFPA now will provide lifesaving care to women and girls for years to come.
Become a monthly supporter

You’ve heard it before, but for the cost of a cup of coffee, you can create profound change by committing to a monthly gift for women and girls. A $5 emergency birth kit can make all the difference for a woman giving birth in a humanitarian disaster. The kit contains essential supplies, like a plastic sheet, gloves, and soap to prevent injuries and infections during birth. If you’re able to commit a little more, $20/month can provide 25 women with modern, effective family planning. The impact of your monthly gift adds up and will change the trajectory of countless lives. Become a monthly supporter today and resolve to change the story for women and girls for the better.
Host a fundraiser

We are resolved to uplift the experiences of women and girls and become the voice for global reproductive health and rights in America — and your fundraiser can help us get there! Whether you want to recognize a special occasion, like your birthday or in memory of a loved one, or want to organize a fun run or bake sale, hosting a fundraiser is a unique way to celebrate life and support women and girls all at once. Setting up your own fundraising page is easy and convenient through our website. We are always more than happy to answer any questions you might have to get your fundraiser off the ground.
Thank you for being with us on this journey to realize a safer, healthier world for women and girls. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023!