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Join Ashley Judd to save the lives of Rohingya mothers
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Join Ashley Judd to save the lives of Rohingya mothers
Over half a million Rohingya refugees currently live in Kutupalong, Bangladesh, the site of one of the largest and most overcrowded refugee camps in the world. Many are women and girls who have suffered unspeakable trauma and violence on their…
The Power of Choice: The State of World Population 2018
News, Reports
The Power of Choice: The State of World Population 2018
State of World Population 2018 – The Power of Choice: Reproductive Rights and the Demographic Transition The power to choose the number, timing and spacing of children can bolster economic and social development, new UNFPA report shows UNITED NATIONS, New…
Who is UNFPA?
Who is UNFPA?
In our latest feature, we are sharing profiles of select UNFPA staff from around the world to showcase the breadth and lifesaving quality of UNFPA’s work. Henriette Eke Mbula Henriette Eke Mbula is the Midwifery Adviser for UNFPA’s Country Office…
The Rohingya Crisis One Year On
The Rohingya Crisis One Year On
This August marked the one-year anniversary of the fastest growing refugee crisis in the world. Over 720,000 Rohingya have fled violence in Myanmar in the past twelve months, joining some 213,000 already in Bangladesh to create the world’s most densely…

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