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10th March 2020
In February of 2020, USA for UNFPA asked UNFPA supporters to share encouraging notes to frontline workers in the Rohingya refugee camps. Read the heartwarming letters here. This appreciation is needed more than ever, now that refugees have tested positive…
5th March 2020
Is it different from domestic violence? What about violence against women? The terms gender-based violence, domestic violence, and violence against women convey similar concepts and are often used interchangeably. However, there are important distinctions between them and their implications for policymakers, care providers, and survivors….
26th February 2020
RABAT, Morocco – Madame Najat Baloui, a midwife in Casablanca, vividly remembers a childbirth that went horribly wrong. “A woman was delivering vaginally,” Ms. Baloui recalled. “After several hours, the labour stopped suddenly.” Realizing the woman was at risk of uterine…
21st February 2020
Central Province, Zambia – “Every time I report for work, I strive to offer quality services to mothers, including conducting deliveries and discussing infant nutrition and care with new mothers,” says Flavor Kangwa, a midwife at Bwacha Health Center in Zambia’s…
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