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Protecting seasonal workers in Turkey’s tent settlements from COVID-19
Protecting seasonal workers in Turkey’s tent settlements from COVID-19
MERSIN, Turkey – Meryem, a Syrian refugee living in a tent settlement in southern Turkey, says her family struggles to maintain their health under even normal circumstances. Now, with more than 127,000 cases of COVID-19 in Turkey, she is even more concerned about…
Pandemic heightens vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities who require reproductive health care
Pandemic heightens vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities who require reproductive health care
UNITED NATIONS, New York/FRANCISTOWN, Botswana, RAWALPINDI, Pakistan – Even under normal circumstances, persons with disabilities face discrimination, high rates of gender-based violence, and exclusion from services and decision-making. Today, as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads around the world, the vulnerabilities and barriers faced…
COVID-19 strikes Yemen as humanitarian funding dries up
COVID-19 strikes Yemen as humanitarian funding dries up
SANA’A, Yemen – On 10 April, Yemen announced its first laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19. Since then, 34 more cases and 7 deaths have been reported. Health workers, already stretched to the limit by five years of grinding conflict, are sounding the alarm that…
Motherhood during Coronavirus
Motherhood during Coronavirus
Update July 6, 2020: though UNFPA does not have any programming in the United States, American mothers still deserve care. New reporting from Propublica shows that a lack of U.S. research on the effects of coronavirus for pregnant women has…

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